Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Exciting News!

Before we get to the exciting news, I just want to apologize if this is the way you are finding out our exciting news. I know it's not the most appropriate way but it has proved to be the most convenient in letting a handful of people know all at one time.

I would also like to apologize that we don't update our blog very often. What I have come to realize is that I don't really know what to post about if there isn't big exciting news. While we cherish all our small, silly little memories we make day to day, I feel like not everyone wants to hear about those weird and random things. They want to hear big news! So with that hear is our big news!

We are moving to Seattle!!! Haha not what you were thinking I am sure! ;) Parker has been given an opportunity to go out and work for the summer in Seattle. He will be working with Vivint, a newer business in home automation. He will be selling home automation systems. For those who are not familiar with home automation, it basically is a panel you can put in your home that controls temperature, and light and also alarm systems, all through your smart phones or computers. They are working to add more features like Internet and others. However, right now their focus is on the panel and alarm systems. We were kind of skeptical about this opportunity when it was given to us but after talking to the team managers and after praying about it, we know this opportunity couldn't come at a better time. We are young, we don't have kids, there is no reason we can't go out and see where this takes us. It is an opportunity that is worse to pass up right now than to try out. It is a huge leap of faith but if we aren't willing to leap we won't ever know where we could land. We have so many goals as a couple and for our future family and we have to make the decisions we think are best to reach those goals. We figured, right now and for us, this is the opportunity that will afford us the best possible chance in getting us on our feet. If we go out and are not successful at least we tried. I have complete faith and confidence, however, that we will be successful. Whether it be in the ways we hope or in a way that helps us learn more about each other as a couple. The way I see it, it's a win win.

We hope for the best and know that this is where life is supposed to take us. Depending on what happens in the summer we will be coming back to Cedar or St. George. We will be coming back for school to continue on a path that will lead is to our goals. I am so proud of Parker for putting himself out there mentally, physically and emotionally for this opportunity. It's definitely not easy and it's a lot of hard work. I am so thankful for the sacrifice he is making to help us reach our goals and I look up to him so much for how positive he is through it all. I want to also thank everyone who as been supportive to us in making this decision.

I am so excited to take this journey, to experience the world and to see where life takes us. I feel so incredibly lucky to be where I am today and with my husband. I know life will bring challenges but it will also bring many exciting new adventures.

And on a lighter side, here are some pictures of the beautiful city we will be living in...

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