Friday, January 3, 2014


I know, I know. It's been awhile. I think for the few of those who actually read our blog it would be a good time to update you all on what has happened in our lives since we returned from the summer of sales. As many and most of you already know, we came back to live in St. George. Our decision was easy. We just missed St. George and we also wanted to continue our schooling at Dixie. I came home earlier than Parker so that I could go back to school this last fall semester. Once Parker came home, it was too late for him to start that fall so he is planning on attending this spring semester. So with the looming start of another semester I know I will continue to get the questions, "Are you in school?" "How is school going?" "What are you majoring in?" etc. Well I want to answer here in one place where maybe I won't have to be asked these questions over and over again. With much consideration and thought, no I will not be attending this semester. I know I am behind more than most with my schooling and it's not favorable and nor do I love that I am so behind. However, here is my thought and opinion and I wish that everyone could understand and respect my decision rather than make me feel judged. I fully understand that education is a very important thing. It is one of my top priorities. I do have many dreams and plans and I DO intend on earning a degree and finishing school. I however have never been one to know exactly what I want to do in life. I didn't grow up with dreams of becoming a nurse or teacher or what have you. I have always, always had many interests. For me, it is hard to just narrow it down to one thing. Once I do, I start to think of my other interests and I start to feel less interested with my first decision. So it goes like this again and again until I start to second guess my decision. I don't want to go to school aimlessly. If I am there I want to be able to take the classes I need. I want it to progress me to my ultimate goal. I don't want to just keep taking classes to say I'm in school. I have seen so many people just go to school and get it done, which is great, but then they never use their degree. I don't want to do that. I want my education to mean something. I don't want to spend all this money on something that I am not going to use. School is not cheap and its not getting cheaper. So for now, until I can ultimately decide what I want to do, I am going to take a semester off. Please don't think that I don't take my education seriously when I say that I am not in school. Please don't assume that I am never going to finish school. I will. Like I said I have many dreams. Surprisingly, most of them don't "require" me to go to school. My ultimate dream is to be a wife to my wonderful husband and support him in anything and everything. I want to be a mother and raise and teach my children of love and of the Gospel. School in my opinion isn't everything. But it also isn't something to take lightly and go just because that's what society expects you to do. I know the importance of it in the world today. But I need to do what's best for me in this time, and that is to work and help support my sweet hubby and help get him through school. I hope that none of you are offended or feel attacked. I understand, to most of you, these questions are just conversation starters. However, I also feel that I am judged quite a bit when my answer is no. I love you all and I appreciate all of your support in our lives. Life has so many ups and downs and I never know where it's going to take us. All we can do is live it the best way we can. What I think we all need to understand is that the best way is different for all of us.