Friday, January 3, 2014
I know, I know. It's been awhile. I think for the few of those who actually read our blog it would be a good time to update you all on what has happened in our lives since we returned from the summer of sales. As many and most of you already know, we came back to live in St. George. Our decision was easy. We just missed St. George and we also wanted to continue our schooling at Dixie. I came home earlier than Parker so that I could go back to school this last fall semester. Once Parker came home, it was too late for him to start that fall so he is planning on attending this spring semester. So with the looming start of another semester I know I will continue to get the questions, "Are you in school?" "How is school going?" "What are you majoring in?" etc. Well I want to answer here in one place where maybe I won't have to be asked these questions over and over again. With much consideration and thought, no I will not be attending this semester. I know I am behind more than most with my schooling and it's not favorable and nor do I love that I am so behind. However, here is my thought and opinion and I wish that everyone could understand and respect my decision rather than make me feel judged. I fully understand that education is a very important thing. It is one of my top priorities. I do have many dreams and plans and I DO intend on earning a degree and finishing school. I however have never been one to know exactly what I want to do in life. I didn't grow up with dreams of becoming a nurse or teacher or what have you. I have always, always had many interests. For me, it is hard to just narrow it down to one thing. Once I do, I start to think of my other interests and I start to feel less interested with my first decision. So it goes like this again and again until I start to second guess my decision. I don't want to go to school aimlessly. If I am there I want to be able to take the classes I need. I want it to progress me to my ultimate goal. I don't want to just keep taking classes to say I'm in school. I have seen so many people just go to school and get it done, which is great, but then they never use their degree. I don't want to do that. I want my education to mean something. I don't want to spend all this money on something that I am not going to use. School is not cheap and its not getting cheaper. So for now, until I can ultimately decide what I want to do, I am going to take a semester off. Please don't think that I don't take my education seriously when I say that I am not in school. Please don't assume that I am never going to finish school. I will. Like I said I have many dreams. Surprisingly, most of them don't "require" me to go to school. My ultimate dream is to be a wife to my wonderful husband and support him in anything and everything. I want to be a mother and raise and teach my children of love and of the Gospel. School in my opinion isn't everything. But it also isn't something to take lightly and go just because that's what society expects you to do. I know the importance of it in the world today. But I need to do what's best for me in this time, and that is to work and help support my sweet hubby and help get him through school. I hope that none of you are offended or feel attacked. I understand, to most of you, these questions are just conversation starters. However, I also feel that I am judged quite a bit when my answer is no. I love you all and I appreciate all of your support in our lives. Life has so many ups and downs and I never know where it's going to take us. All we can do is live it the best way we can. What I think we all need to understand is that the best way is different for all of us.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
10 Things We've Learned Living in Oregon
As our time here in Oregon comes to a close (only one more week) I have been reminiscing on everything we've learned about Oregon and what we have learned living here. So here is the list of the things we've learned about this beautiful state and what we've learned by living here.
1. It is against the law to pump your own gas here. We learned this the hard way. On the drive here we were maybe a couple hours into Oregon when we were really stressing about gas. There hadn't been a gas station for miles. In fact, the last one we saw was in Nevada where you can pump your own gas. Being foolish and thinking we could make it to another station on the half a tank we had, we didn't stop and fill up. Well it was nearing the point of us working out situations in our minds as to what we could do in case we ran out of gas when we saw a dinky, and I mean it was a dump of a gas station, just right up ahead. We pulled in stress free and relieved only to realize it was closed. What? A gas station closed?? Why can't they just keep the pumps running?? Well there was sign that said to call if we needed gas, so we called it. The man said he was out of town and that he was closed. So we kept driving, clenching our teeth and holding our breath, hoping we would make it to another station. Finally, running on fumes we made it. Parker got out of the car ready to pump gas and an attendant came running out like his life depended on it before Parker could do anything. This is how we found out that it is against the law to pump your own gas.
2. It pays to recycle! 5 cents per bottle actually! OK it doesn't really pay. They actually charge you an extra 5 cents per bottle and then you just get your money back if you recycle it.
3. Everything is so GREEEEEEEN here! I mean, green grass, green trees, green plants and green people! I don't mean the color of their skin, I mean they are very Eco friendly. Everywhere I go people are riding bikes or walking to work or carpooling. It might be because some people don't have cars but I am pretty sure it is also to cut down on pollution. One time I even saw somebody get publicly upset because someone else accidentally littered. Also, there are a TON of tree huggers! Everything is about keeping the Earth beautiful. Might I say, they have done a mighty fine job!
4. Even Siri doesn't know where she is going. I had to learn to navigate on my own, a lot, considering the fact that Siri kept leading me astray. Now I can say I finally know my way around. Just in time to leave. ;)
5. I've learned that it doesn't rain here 24/7 like everyone thinks. It rains more often but its not 24/7 365 days a year. Their rainy season is during Winter. Like we get snow, they just get rain. But we have been able to see a few rainstorms while being here. Which brings me to the next thing I've learned...
6. No one uses an umbrella! There have been a couple days where it has been pretty rainy but I did not see a single soul using an umbrella!
7. The people here a really nice. They are always trying to strike up conversation (especially if you have cute kids around like the other wives). They are also very friendly on the road. Utah drivers are so mean compared to the people here!
8. I've learned that I am pretty baby hungry. All the wives kids are so cute and fun to play with and be around. It just makes me want one of my own. I want to be able to hold a little one and see how he or she looks like us. When I think about it, it just makes me smile. BUT kids aren't going to come for awhile. While I would love a little bundle of joy I also know that it just isn't the right time yet. :)
9. I've learned not to be scared of people. The night we arrived I found myself really nervous and scared. Not of being in a different state, not of unfamiliar territory, but of people. I have lived in Utah my entire life. Its where I feel safe because the people seem safe. It sounds awful to say and I feel awful saying it but it is true. I had assumed that once I got to Oregon that everyone is potentially a creep or a murderer or a thief. I didn't want to be alone or do things alone during the day while Parker was working. But then Parker taught me something and made me realize something that I have always known. He said this, "Don't be scared of people Linds. The majority of people are good. They mean well and they are just trying to get by like the rest of us." I felt so stupid and rude for assuming what I had assumed but I immediately felt better. I realized that I knew that and I was just over-reacting.
10. The last and most important thing I've learned is that the Gospel is everywhere. Of course I knew this. I knew you could go to church almost anywhere and there are Temples in many places but I've come to such an appreciation for it. Our weeks are long. Parker works 6 days a week from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. So I don't get to see him very often and it just makes for a long week. During the week there just are so many crazy things going on and there are so many not so wonderful things that happen that it is just so nice to be able to go to church and escape it all. It is so wonderful to meet the members from this state and they are such amazing people. I have had some of the best lessons and have felt the spirit so much more than I ever have. I think when it is such a regular part of your life in Utah it gets taken for granted. I know I have taken it for granted before and it just becomes the ho hum of my lifestyle. My eyes have been opened so much wider living here. It is amazing to see how different the world is outside of Utah and it has given me so much more appreciation for Utah and being able to have the resources in the church that we do. I definitely have come to realize things I need to work on and improve on and I am so grateful that I am able to realize them by being here. I hope that when we are back in Utah I can continue to remember everything I have learned here in Oregon and live my life to the fullest through the Gospel.
Well if you have made it this far, thank you for reading. I have loved this experience so far and I can't wait until we are finally in Seattle and can continue our adventure!
1. It is against the law to pump your own gas here. We learned this the hard way. On the drive here we were maybe a couple hours into Oregon when we were really stressing about gas. There hadn't been a gas station for miles. In fact, the last one we saw was in Nevada where you can pump your own gas. Being foolish and thinking we could make it to another station on the half a tank we had, we didn't stop and fill up. Well it was nearing the point of us working out situations in our minds as to what we could do in case we ran out of gas when we saw a dinky, and I mean it was a dump of a gas station, just right up ahead. We pulled in stress free and relieved only to realize it was closed. What? A gas station closed?? Why can't they just keep the pumps running?? Well there was sign that said to call if we needed gas, so we called it. The man said he was out of town and that he was closed. So we kept driving, clenching our teeth and holding our breath, hoping we would make it to another station. Finally, running on fumes we made it. Parker got out of the car ready to pump gas and an attendant came running out like his life depended on it before Parker could do anything. This is how we found out that it is against the law to pump your own gas.
2. It pays to recycle! 5 cents per bottle actually! OK it doesn't really pay. They actually charge you an extra 5 cents per bottle and then you just get your money back if you recycle it.
3. Everything is so GREEEEEEEN here! I mean, green grass, green trees, green plants and green people! I don't mean the color of their skin, I mean they are very Eco friendly. Everywhere I go people are riding bikes or walking to work or carpooling. It might be because some people don't have cars but I am pretty sure it is also to cut down on pollution. One time I even saw somebody get publicly upset because someone else accidentally littered. Also, there are a TON of tree huggers! Everything is about keeping the Earth beautiful. Might I say, they have done a mighty fine job!
4. Even Siri doesn't know where she is going. I had to learn to navigate on my own, a lot, considering the fact that Siri kept leading me astray. Now I can say I finally know my way around. Just in time to leave. ;)
5. I've learned that it doesn't rain here 24/7 like everyone thinks. It rains more often but its not 24/7 365 days a year. Their rainy season is during Winter. Like we get snow, they just get rain. But we have been able to see a few rainstorms while being here. Which brings me to the next thing I've learned...
6. No one uses an umbrella! There have been a couple days where it has been pretty rainy but I did not see a single soul using an umbrella!
7. The people here a really nice. They are always trying to strike up conversation (especially if you have cute kids around like the other wives). They are also very friendly on the road. Utah drivers are so mean compared to the people here!
8. I've learned that I am pretty baby hungry. All the wives kids are so cute and fun to play with and be around. It just makes me want one of my own. I want to be able to hold a little one and see how he or she looks like us. When I think about it, it just makes me smile. BUT kids aren't going to come for awhile. While I would love a little bundle of joy I also know that it just isn't the right time yet. :)
9. I've learned not to be scared of people. The night we arrived I found myself really nervous and scared. Not of being in a different state, not of unfamiliar territory, but of people. I have lived in Utah my entire life. Its where I feel safe because the people seem safe. It sounds awful to say and I feel awful saying it but it is true. I had assumed that once I got to Oregon that everyone is potentially a creep or a murderer or a thief. I didn't want to be alone or do things alone during the day while Parker was working. But then Parker taught me something and made me realize something that I have always known. He said this, "Don't be scared of people Linds. The majority of people are good. They mean well and they are just trying to get by like the rest of us." I felt so stupid and rude for assuming what I had assumed but I immediately felt better. I realized that I knew that and I was just over-reacting.
10. The last and most important thing I've learned is that the Gospel is everywhere. Of course I knew this. I knew you could go to church almost anywhere and there are Temples in many places but I've come to such an appreciation for it. Our weeks are long. Parker works 6 days a week from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. So I don't get to see him very often and it just makes for a long week. During the week there just are so many crazy things going on and there are so many not so wonderful things that happen that it is just so nice to be able to go to church and escape it all. It is so wonderful to meet the members from this state and they are such amazing people. I have had some of the best lessons and have felt the spirit so much more than I ever have. I think when it is such a regular part of your life in Utah it gets taken for granted. I know I have taken it for granted before and it just becomes the ho hum of my lifestyle. My eyes have been opened so much wider living here. It is amazing to see how different the world is outside of Utah and it has given me so much more appreciation for Utah and being able to have the resources in the church that we do. I definitely have come to realize things I need to work on and improve on and I am so grateful that I am able to realize them by being here. I hope that when we are back in Utah I can continue to remember everything I have learned here in Oregon and live my life to the fullest through the Gospel.
Well if you have made it this far, thank you for reading. I have loved this experience so far and I can't wait until we are finally in Seattle and can continue our adventure!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Oregon Not to be Confused With Seattle
You are probably all confused as to why we are in Oregon and not Seattle. Well here is a quick update to get you up to speed. A couple weeks or so before we left Cedar, Parker's Company had made a decision to try out the market in Oregon. It seemed promising or as they would put it, "Looked like good stuff." So they decided to try out the first little bit of the Summer in Oregon and spend the latter part in Seattle. So here we are! :) We have been living in Eugene, Oregon, home of the Ducks!! Things have been going well for Parker, and for me, well I just have had fun exploring the beautiful scenery. I am sure you all have seen the pictures on Facebook so I won't spam you with more photos on here. But it really is beautiful!! So many different flowers and plants and everything is so so so green!! I love it! I love nature and I feel so lucky to experience it in such a beautiful place! I am so used to the red dirt and sand so to see crazy tall trees and moss covered branches really has been a fun adventure. We just got word that we might try out a different area in Oregon. The area will be closer to Portland and I am pretty excited. I love to experience different cities and Portland is one I have always wanted to visit. If the market in Oregon stays pretty solid we may end up staying here for the Summer. It just depends on how things go. They have until a certain date to decide. So we may not make it up to Seattle but that is OK. We need to be in the area which will hopefully provide the best outcome for these guys. But for now the plan is to spend the next 6 or so weeks in Oregon and then finish up the Summer in Seattle.
I hope this helps with all of your confusion!! We are really having a good time and will keep you updated with more fun adventures! :)
I hope this helps with all of your confusion!! We are really having a good time and will keep you updated with more fun adventures! :)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Exciting News!
Before we get to the exciting news, I just want to apologize if this is the way you are finding out our exciting news. I know it's not the most appropriate way but it has proved to be the most convenient in letting a handful of people know all at one time.
I would also like to apologize that we don't update our blog very often. What I have come to realize is that I don't really know what to post about if there isn't big exciting news. While we cherish all our small, silly little memories we make day to day, I feel like not everyone wants to hear about those weird and random things. They want to hear big news! So with that hear is our big news!
We are moving to Seattle!!! Haha not what you were thinking I am sure! ;) Parker has been given an opportunity to go out and work for the summer in Seattle. He will be working with Vivint, a newer business in home automation. He will be selling home automation systems. For those who are not familiar with home automation, it basically is a panel you can put in your home that controls temperature, and light and also alarm systems, all through your smart phones or computers. They are working to add more features like Internet and others. However, right now their focus is on the panel and alarm systems. We were kind of skeptical about this opportunity when it was given to us but after talking to the team managers and after praying about it, we know this opportunity couldn't come at a better time. We are young, we don't have kids, there is no reason we can't go out and see where this takes us. It is an opportunity that is worse to pass up right now than to try out. It is a huge leap of faith but if we aren't willing to leap we won't ever know where we could land. We have so many goals as a couple and for our future family and we have to make the decisions we think are best to reach those goals. We figured, right now and for us, this is the opportunity that will afford us the best possible chance in getting us on our feet. If we go out and are not successful at least we tried. I have complete faith and confidence, however, that we will be successful. Whether it be in the ways we hope or in a way that helps us learn more about each other as a couple. The way I see it, it's a win win.
We hope for the best and know that this is where life is supposed to take us. Depending on what happens in the summer we will be coming back to Cedar or St. George. We will be coming back for school to continue on a path that will lead is to our goals. I am so proud of Parker for putting himself out there mentally, physically and emotionally for this opportunity. It's definitely not easy and it's a lot of hard work. I am so thankful for the sacrifice he is making to help us reach our goals and I look up to him so much for how positive he is through it all. I want to also thank everyone who as been supportive to us in making this decision.
I am so excited to take this journey, to experience the world and to see where life takes us. I feel so incredibly lucky to be where I am today and with my husband. I know life will bring challenges but it will also bring many exciting new adventures.
And on a lighter side, here are some pictures of the beautiful city we will be living in...
I would also like to apologize that we don't update our blog very often. What I have come to realize is that I don't really know what to post about if there isn't big exciting news. While we cherish all our small, silly little memories we make day to day, I feel like not everyone wants to hear about those weird and random things. They want to hear big news! So with that hear is our big news!
We are moving to Seattle!!! Haha not what you were thinking I am sure! ;) Parker has been given an opportunity to go out and work for the summer in Seattle. He will be working with Vivint, a newer business in home automation. He will be selling home automation systems. For those who are not familiar with home automation, it basically is a panel you can put in your home that controls temperature, and light and also alarm systems, all through your smart phones or computers. They are working to add more features like Internet and others. However, right now their focus is on the panel and alarm systems. We were kind of skeptical about this opportunity when it was given to us but after talking to the team managers and after praying about it, we know this opportunity couldn't come at a better time. We are young, we don't have kids, there is no reason we can't go out and see where this takes us. It is an opportunity that is worse to pass up right now than to try out. It is a huge leap of faith but if we aren't willing to leap we won't ever know where we could land. We have so many goals as a couple and for our future family and we have to make the decisions we think are best to reach those goals. We figured, right now and for us, this is the opportunity that will afford us the best possible chance in getting us on our feet. If we go out and are not successful at least we tried. I have complete faith and confidence, however, that we will be successful. Whether it be in the ways we hope or in a way that helps us learn more about each other as a couple. The way I see it, it's a win win.
We hope for the best and know that this is where life is supposed to take us. Depending on what happens in the summer we will be coming back to Cedar or St. George. We will be coming back for school to continue on a path that will lead is to our goals. I am so proud of Parker for putting himself out there mentally, physically and emotionally for this opportunity. It's definitely not easy and it's a lot of hard work. I am so thankful for the sacrifice he is making to help us reach our goals and I look up to him so much for how positive he is through it all. I want to also thank everyone who as been supportive to us in making this decision.
I am so excited to take this journey, to experience the world and to see where life takes us. I feel so incredibly lucky to be where I am today and with my husband. I know life will bring challenges but it will also bring many exciting new adventures.
And on a lighter side, here are some pictures of the beautiful city we will be living in...
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wow! It sure has been a while since our last post. So finally, here is an update. We are adjusting to Cedar life just fine. Granted, it is a bit colder than St. George but it's not too bad. Right now we are both just working our tails off. Parker got a job at Sports Authority and enjoys it very much working in the shoes. I am working at Christensen's and I love my job as well. Neither one of us is attending school which isn't ideal. The problem was when we had finally decided to come to Cedar, application for transfer had passed. So to pass the time until we return to school, we are just working. Working, working, working. Which, normally, we would complain but we both enjoy our jobs. :) Of course we mix in a little fun. It was Parker's birthday on Thursday so we had cake and ice cream with his family in Cedar and then drove down and went to dinner with my mom. We also made a stop at the Jubilee of Trees and enjoyed our first taste of the Christmas spirit.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Our New Home
While it has been a little while, we did finally find a place to call home! Finding an apartment was really hard for us. And after looking and looking in St. George, nothing seemed right. Everywhere we looked we just couldn't seem to be able to find a way to make it home. At the same time, there were a lot of different things that were happening that pulled us toward Cedar City. We found ourselves spending more and more time there and finding that there were a lot of different apartment options there as well. It seemed to just make sense for us to make a move to Cedar and live there. Within two days of looking for apartments, we found a place and we were moved in by the third day. We feel so blessed that we have a beautiful place to call home. While we will miss everyone in St. George, my mom especially, we know this is where we need to be. Plus, Cedar is a whopping 45 minutes away so we will be down frequently! :) Here are a few pictures of our new home. The walls are still pretty bare but we love it and it is coming together so wonderfully!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Finally the day came! And it was so beautiful, and perfect, and amazing. I am so grateful for all the people who helped us make the wedding day wonderful. Including of course my husband!! Without him it just wouldn't have been the same! ;) But really the wedding and reception could not have been more perfect. My heart is full with joy and happiness that I am now sealed for eternity to the most wonderful, smart, handsome and perfect man! Here are a few pics with more to come.

We were Sealed for Time and all Eternity on July, 7 2012 in the Bountiful, Utah Temple. :)

We were Sealed for Time and all Eternity on July, 7 2012 in the Bountiful, Utah Temple. :)
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